

To ensure your safety while visiting our websites, we have made every effort to protect your data from any unauthorized access by third parties. We are committed to providing the highest level of security to protect your personal data and maintain your trust.
Compliance with all data protection regulations is very important to us. We protect your rights, as stated in this policy, from being adversely affected by the way we handle your personal data.


“Personal data” shall mean any information or individual details about the personal and material circumstances of a specific or identifiable natural person.


Below you will find information about when and how we collect, process and use personal data. We collect the data you share with us for specified purposes, namely,

  • for visits to our website,
  • for the purpose of responding to requests to be contacted by us,
  • for orders made via our internet shop,
  • for our newsletter, and
  • for the purpose of registering new customers.

3.1. For visits to our website
You can visit our website without disclosing your name and address. We receive the following information whenever an internet file is requested:

  • The name of your internet service providers, operating system and type of web browser
  • The IP address you are using
  • The page you previously visited
  • The individual pages loaded on our website
  • The date and duration of your visit

3.1.1. We also use “cookies” and “session cookies” – small files containing configuration information – that recognize your computer. They help to determine individual settings. Session cookies remain activated for the duration of your visit to our website and are automatically deleted once the session ends. You can reverse or prevent the storage of cookies by using the corresponding setting of your internet browser. However, doing so may restrict use of the website.

The aforementioned, collected data is stored by us and/or the provider who hosts the website and who provides us with the data for statistical purposes. We store the statistical information and use the data acquired to optimize our website for visitors and to make it more attractive. This information alone does not allow us to identify you personally. However, since we would theoretically be able to identify you by using data from your provider, we also consider your IP address to be personal information that must be protected.

3.2. For enquiries made via our contact form
When you contact us using our contact form, we need a

  • first name,
  • surname,
  • address,
  • e-mail address,
  • telephone number, and
  • reason you are writing

to respond to your query.

3.3. For orders made via our internet shop
When an order is made via our internet shop, all data that you enter will be stored. This includes the following information:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • User name
  • Passwort

The product that you order, as well as the number of articles, shipping option and method of payment will also be stored.

In order to provide you with the highest quality services, CoffeeRide Society partners with several external companies (‘third parties’) that also receive some of the collected personal details:

  • Shirtigo GmbH acts as a fulfillment service provider and takes over the production and direct shipment of our apparel collection. In this case, the following categories of personal data of the actual buyers are transmitted to them:
    • Information about the ordered products
    • Delivery address
  • Know-How Event & Marketing GmbH acts as a fulfillment service provider and takes over the shipment of our coffee blend and cup collection. In this case, the following categories of personal data of the actual buyers are transmitted to them:
    • Information about the ordered products
    • Delivery address
  • Stripe and PayPal are Payment processing service provider and enable CoffeeRide Society to process payments by credit card, bank transfer or other means.
    • PayPal (PayPal Inc.) is a payment service provided by PayPal Inc., which allows users to make online payments. Personal Data collected: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of processing: See the PayPal privacy policy – .
    • Stripe a payment service provided by Stripe Inc., which allows users to make online payments. Personal Data collected: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of processing: See the Stripe privacy policy – .
      Payment processing services enable us to process payments by credit card, bank transfer or other means. To ensure greater security, we only shares the information necessary to execute the transaction with the financial intermediaries handling the transaction. Some of our services may also enable the sending of timed messages to you, such as emails containing invoices or notifications concerning the payment.

3.4. For our newsletter
As we have no newsletter, we store no data for this.

3.5. For member registration
When you open a personal member account, we store the following information in our customer database:

  • User’s Signup Details such as Username, Password, First Name, Last Name and Custom Fields value( Address, Gender etc)
  • User’s IP Address Information
  • User’s Basic Details Sending to opt-ins such as (Email, First Name, Last Name)
  • User’s Logged in / Logout details
  • User’s Basic Social Accounts Details
  • User’s Basic Payment Transaction Details (Not Storing any sensitive Payment Data such as Credit/Debit Card Details.)

This also allows you to log in and order from your customer account to make future purchases.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies,” which are text files that are placed on your computer and that make it possible to analyse how you use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally transmitted to and stored on Google servers in the United Sates. If the anonymization function for IP addresses is activated on this website, Google will, however, abbreviate your IP address before transmitting this information within member states of the European Union and within the countries which are contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Your full IP address will only be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and abbreviated on this server in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address that your browser transmits via Google Analytics will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You can prevent the storage of cookies by using the corresponding setting of your browser software. Please note, however, that doing so may prevent you from being able to fully use all features of this website. You can also prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie about how you use the site (including your IP address) by Google and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:


This website uses “social plugins” (“plugins”) provided by the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States (“Facebook”). The plugins are identified as such with a Facebook logo or the addition of text reading “Soziales Plug-in von Facebook” or “Facebook Social Plugin”. A list of the Facebook social plugins and their respective logos can be found here:
When you visit a page within our website that contains a social plugin your browser establishes a direct connection to the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transferred from Facebook directly to your browser, which then embeds it into the website.
The embedded plugin tells Facebook that you visited the respective page on our website in your browser, even if you do not have a Facebook account or are not currently logged into Facebook. Your browser transmits this information (including your IP address) directly to a Facebook server in the United States, where it is then stored.
If you are logged into Facebook, Facebook can directly connect the visit to our website with your Facebook account. If you interact with the plugins, for example, by clicking the “Like“ button or posting a comment, that information will also be directly transmitted to a Facebook server and stored there. In addition, the information will also be posted on Facebook and displayed to your Facebook friends.
Facebook can use this information for the purpose of advertising, market research and tailoring Facebook pages to user needs. For this purpose, Facebook creates use, interest and relationship profiles, for example, to evaluate your use of our website in terms of the advertisements displayed to you on Facebook, to inform other Facebook users about your activities on our website, and to provide other services related to the use of Facebook.
If you do not want Facebook to connect the information about your visit to our website with your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our website.
To learn more about the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook, as well as your rights in this regard and the settings available to protect your privacy, please see the Facebook Data Policy:


This website uses the “Custom Audiences” remarketing tool provided by Facebook Inc. (hereinafter “Facebook”). When you visit this website, a direct connection to the Facebook servers is established and data about your visit to this website is sent to Facebook. Facebook connects this information with your user account. This information is used to show you interest-based advertisements (“Facebook Ads”) when you visit Facebook. For more information about how Facebook collects and uses data, as well as on your rights and ways to protect your privacy, visit You can also disable the “Custom Audiences” remarketing feature at: To do so, you must be logged into Facebook.


7.1. You can withdraw your consent for the collection, use and storage of the data listed in 3.1 above at any time with effect for the future. In the event that you withdraw consent, we kindly ask that you provide us with your IP address and the time period during which you accessed this website. The corresponding entries can then be deleted from the statistics.
7.2. You must give your consent for the data described under 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 separately on each page on which you enter your data by ticking the box above the entry in the form. You can withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future.
7.3. The law permits us to collect and store the data that you used to make an order for the purpose of establishing, executing or terminating a contractual or similar obligation. In addition, the personal data will be deleted if you do not give us your consent for its continuing collection and storage.


We use the collected data for internal purposes only. This does not apply if we are required to disclose or transmit the data by law or by a legal court order. No comparison is made with other databases.


The data we acquire is processed exclusively within the EU, except in the case that it must be transmitted to a third country in order to conclude a contract that has been made with us.


Your personal data will be deleted when you withdraw your consent unless we are required to store your data for other reasons.


According to the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, or BDSG) you have a right to receive information about your stored data and you have a right to have this data corrected, blocked or erased. Information about the stored data is available at the address below or may be obtained by means of electronic transmission, if you prefer.


Please note that you may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Contact person
Sascha Nopper
CoffeeRide Society
St.-Augustinus-Str. 72
81825 München
E-mail: contact(at)


When visiting our website, statistical analyses may be made of your surfing behavior. This happens primarily using cookies and analytics. The analysis of your surfing behavior is usually anonymous, i.e. we will not be able to identify you from this data. You can object to this analysis or prevent it by not using certain tools. Detailed information can be found in the following privacy policy.

You can object to this analysis. We will inform you below about how to exercise your options in this regard.

last updated: December 07, 2021